It's August and I thought everyone should be at the beach. Surely, restaurants that are normally crowded wouldn't be in August. Wrong!! When Suzanne and I got to Miss Shirley's today for lunch, it was packed. There was a long wait to eat inside, so we opted for outside. Not our first choice because it was 90 degrees, but we're getting older and our patience seems to be getting shorter. So, outside we went. We were enjoying our mimosa and grapefruit crush when the rain started. At first it was refreshing, then it was just wet. Our waiter was kind enough to move us to a table under the overhang. We sat there for the remainder of lunch, quite happily. My chicken salad sandwich was good, but Suzanne's choice was the winner. She had a crabcake eggs benedict that was amazing. Since they don't take reservations, I would suggest you not be surprised if there's a wait, even though it's worth it.
Miss Shirley's
513 W. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21210
PH: 410-889-5272